Create a custom Help Block

The Help Block feature allows instructors to hide questions and additional instructions behind a help button. Instructors can track student interactions with the help button and monitor progress within the Help Block during attempt reviews.

This feature allows you to define a Help Block, which hides questions and further instructions behind a help button. You can configure whether these widgets appear all at once or incrementally, revealing each additional step as the student answers questions correctly. All questions placed beneath the Help Block will be included within it.

Steps to Create a Help Block

  1. Create a Starter Question
    • Before saving, open the triple-dot menu and select Create Multi-Part Question.
  2. Add the Custom Help Block
    • Click the ➕ button to add a Feature.
    • Select Feature > Custom Help Block.
    • Choose whether to display all subquestion widgets at once or one at a time.
    • Save
  3. Add Subquestions as Needed
    • Each question added beneath the Help Block will be included in the block.
    • Subquestions will be optional, include a Check Answer button, and be assigned 0 points.

Reviewing Student Attempts

In the student attempt review, you can:

  • See whether a student accessed the help button.
  • Track how many questions they answered within the Help Block before submitting their response to the initial question.