How can I embed a discussion in a page?

Review step-by-step instructions on how to embed a discussion in a page by using the Atomic Discussions button in the toolbar.


A discussion can be embedded anywhere Canvas supports the rich text editor. While editing content:

  1. Click the Apps button in the toolbar. 
    Apps Icon in the Canvas Rich Content Editor toolbar
  2. Click the Atomic Discussions button or View All if Atomic Discussions is not on the list.

    Using the Apps Icon to access Atomic Discussions
    Choosing from the list of Apps
  3. Create a name and a discussion prompt.

    Editing window for Atomic Discussions
  4. Select additional configuration options
    1. Show names of respondents

    2. Highlight Teacher comments

    3. Allow threaded replies

    4. Users must post before seeing replies

    5. Allow likes

    6. Set a color theme

  5. Click the Save Button

A discussion will be embedded in the page.

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  • What settings can I configure in Atomic Discussions?
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