Import Canvas Quizzes

This article describes how you can import your existing Canvas classic and New Quizzes into Atomic Assessments

You can import your existing Canvas Quizzes into Atomic Assessments using the Content Manager. Importing will create activities in the content manager that you can use to build a new assessment off of an existing activity or enhance other assessments.

We support the following types of Canvas Quiz imports:

  • Upload the course export - Export your entire Canvas course and upload the .imscc file to import both Canvas New Quizzes and Classic quizzes simultaneously.
  • Upload a Classic Quiz from a quiz export - Export the Canvas Classic Quizzes using a course Quiz Export. Refer to this Canvas article for instructions on creating this export file
  • Upload a Canvas Classic Quiz within the same course - Import the Classic Quizzes from the same course using the Add Activities > Canvas Quizzes tab.
  • Upload a Canvas New Quiz export - Export your Canvas New Quizzes by creating a new Quiz Export. Refer to this Canvas article for how to create this export file.  

NOTE:  Do not use the "Canvas Quizzes" tab in the Add Activities menu to import Canvas New Quizzes. The Canvas Quizzes tab is only for same-course Classic Quiz imports.

To import your files

  1. Navigate to the Assessments Manager and click on the More Options menu.
  2. Go to the Content Manager, click on the More Options in the upper right, and select the Add Activities option in the menu.
  3. Upload your file.