How to adjust your Player settings to curate your exam for students.
About Player
The player is how Atomic Assessments navigates through the question sequence. Additionally there are tools that enhance usability for students such as options like Full Screen, Highlight, Response Masking, Annotation Tools, Calculator, Timer, and more!
How to Access Player Settings
1. Go to the Atomic Assessments Activity Manager
2. Go to an Assessment
3. Go to Edit Question List
4. Click the 3-dot Menu
5. Select Player
Player Pre-configured Presets
Player comes with pre-configured presets for standard assessments as well as vocation-specific ones like the NCLEX. From this menu you can choose one, and edit it further by clicking Show Options (as seen in figure 1). From there you will see preselected settings that you can keep or de-select (as seen in figure 2).
Figure 1
Figure 2: Individual player settings (Toggle On/Off)
How it Looks to the User/Student
Based on what options you have selected, you will see different icons in the player that represent what you have selected. The students will be able to see and use these during the exam.
Figure 3: How Settings Appear to User
Go To/Frequently Used Settings
The following settings are the most commonly used items in the Player.
Full Screen
Full screen removes the LMS UI and focuses on JUST what you want to see, which is your assessment. This can be very helpful if you have larger images.
Accessibility offers different visual adjustments that makes it easier to see for those with vision issues.
Calculator is great math based assessments, and offers your students a calculator in the Atomic UI.
Flag Item
Flag item allows students to flag a question that may be difficult, so they can return later during the exam/assessment.
Response Masking
Response masking allows you to click on a response (I.e in a multiple choice) to hide/remove it from the UI. This allows students who process through process-of-elimination to narrow down an answer.
This provides in an UI notepad for students to write down thoughts during their exam.