Review step-by-step instructions on how use Atomic Search in your Canvas courses and an example of what search results will look like.
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Click on Search in the course navigation or in the search box at the top right of the screen.
Type in your search term and press Enter.
You can do wildcard searches (e.g. mus*) and phrase searches (e.g. “music history”)
Search results will display the title of the item, its location in the course, and a snippet showing the context in which your search terms were found. The tags next to each search result show the type of item found.
Click on a search hit to navigate directly to the content.
Search results depend on your permissions in a Canvas course. Students see results only for published content. Teachers and Admins see both published and unpublished content.

Figure 1: Search result view as a teacher
For more information see: What types of content does Atomic Search allow you to search?