How can students write and edit journal entries?

Review how students can write and edit journal entries using the text box and save button.


As a student, to create a journal entry:

  1. Navigate to a writing activity in your LMS content.

  2. Click the empty box below the writing prompt.

  3. Enter your response to the writing prompt.

    1. The journal entry is written using a rich content editor that supports various types of formatting including things like links and images.

  4. Click the Save button to save your journal entry.

To edit a journal entry, click on your entry below the writing prompt and follow similar steps to those described above.

When editing or creating a journal entry, the journal entry visibility is displayed below the journal entry editor so you know who will be able to see your entry.

You can click the Cancel button to discard any changes. When you click the Cancel button or perform another action that would lose unsaved changes (such as reloading the webpage or hitting your browser back button), the application will ask you to confirm that you want to discard your changes before actually doing so.

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